GHYSELS Network Events

Being the best and staying the best is not easy. That's why we challenge you as a company and professional to take on new challenges and approaches. We assist you in this through a personal advisory session, our knowledge blogs, and our network meetings held at the beginning of each quarter. These events take place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. During these sessions, you have the opportunity to further develop yourself and connect with other project managers.

On this page, we keep you informed about the events we are organizing this year. We hope to see you there!

Upcoming Network Events

December 13, 2023: VUCA (Impact of uncertainties on your project)

Our VUCA world

As project managers we work a VUCA world… but what does it mean?

Whichchallenges do we have ? Challengeswith

  • Volatility
  • Uncertainty
  • Complexity
  • Ambiguity

And how do we deal with them?

During out network meeting on December 13, we’ll briefly address the theory of VUCA, we invited a guest speaker, and we will break up in smaller teams to share experiences.

 Interested in how to manage our crazy world?  Register via the contact form.

March 7, 2024 (estimated): Project Peer Reviews

June 6, 2024 (estimated): Personal Branding

Past Events

Network Meeting September 21, 2023

Topic: How A.I. has Transformed Project Management

Ralph Zoetekouw, owner of Datacation, provided a brief introduction on the subject, after which we divided into smaller groups to share our own approaches to working with A.I. and the impact this had on project and program management. The goal was to define 'best practices.'

Network Meeting July 5, 2023

Topic: Agile in a Hardware Environment.

Our guest speaker has assisted numerous organizations in transitioning to an agile way of working. Today, he shared his story about the transformation at Punch Powertrain, a traditional transmission manufacturer (hardware) that switched to an agile way of working.


Network Meeting April 6

Topic: a way to learn from each other

Knowing how to create an MS Project plan is very useful as a project manager. However, it's the soft skills such as leadership, motivating your team, dealing with stakeholders, and conflict resolution that you need most as a project manager. That's why we helped each other in this network meeting and intervision session to reflect on soft skills."

Network Meeting May 19, 2022

Topic: Initiating Community

During this initial session on May 19, we conducted an interactive assessment to understand your expectations and prioritize topics."